TC ALSAN LIMITE It provides all personnel necessary to develop a project partly or wholly in phases as execution and implementation, Always industrial projects.
In the implementation phase we stress the special dedication of the company on welding and boiler providing expert staff and certified in different specialties, although it was always necessary to complete with other domains such as fitters, mechanical, blasters / painters etc.. and in general all activities that are related to steel.
Our regular sectors are:
• SHIPYARD Shipbuilding and Ship Repair
• OIL & GAS refineries, substations, platforms, Pipeline, etc.
• BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Welded steel structures, bridges.
• STORAGE Gas storage tanks or general
• FIRE DETECTION Manufacturing and Assembly, etc.
• MECHANICS turbines, And adjustment pumps generally
• CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Plants and chemical factories.
• FOOD INDUSTRY Breweries, oil. Dairy products, etc